Jill has travelled throughout Central Alberta giving herding demonstrations at many public venues including the Calgary stampede helping educate the public about how these intelligent animals can herd ducks. sheep or cattle and wildlife. Jill also compete at numerous stock dog trials each year with her dogs, which is a thrill in itself. Over the years, She has experienced many successes in these competitions Jill also enjoy having good friends( and their dog) visit her on the farm. Spend time training dogs together as well as walking them down the road to enjoy the beautiful view and overlooking the Red Deer River Valley.
Shaun Fajnor has been shearing sheep for 10 years. He has sheared in 3 different countries and 11 different provinces and states. Besides shearing 20,000 plus sheep a year he also facilitate shearers training for western Canada. Shaun will be doing a sheep shearing demo at the Championships Sat and Sun
Any event such as the Canadian Championships could not be put on without the hard work and dedication of many volunteers. Whether you are a seasoned handler, new to herding or a community member that just wants to be involved, there is a job for you! No dog or sheep experience is needed for many of the volunteer positions. Please contact Chris Jobe 403 866 6176 or to sign-up fill out the contact form below.
Spectator dogs are not allowed at the Canadian Sheepdog Championships.
Please leave your pets at home.
2018 Canadian Sheepdog Championships
Canine Solutions-Working Border Collies
10112 RR 52 Cypress County, AB T1B0K6
Schedule of Events
Wednesday August 22, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Friday August 24, 2018
Saturday August 25, 2018
Sunday August 26, 2018
We're not around, but we'd love to chat another time.